最低4名のプレイヤーと1台のiPhone(もしくは、iPod Touch、iPad)が必要です。
Werewolf "Nightmare in Prison" is the party game.
The players identify werewolves by the conversations and take a vote to dispatch them.
The game needs 4 or more players, and 1 iPhone ( or iPod Touch, iPad ).
1. Choose a game master
First of all, choose a game master who rules the game.
The game master reads the rules of the game shown on iPhone for other players.
2. Player Setting
All the players sit and make a circle.
Starting from the game master, all the players make a player setting on iPhone.
3. Night stage
Each player confirms their roles (citizen or werewolf), does the night action, and hands the iPhone to next person
4. Morning stage
The player who was attacked by werewolf at night is reported.
The rest of the players talk to each other to find out who the werewolf is.
5. Judgment
Each player announces the name of a player who is thought to be a werewolf.
The player who is voted the most will be executed as a werewolf.
6. Game Over
By repeating the night, morning, and judgment as described above, you try to kill the players who are on the other team.
When either citizens' or werewolves' winning rule is fulfilled, the game is over.
Citizens: You win when you execute all the werewolves.
Werewolves: You win when the number of werewolves and civilians becomes the same.
This game has the special role cards. The special role player can use the supernatural power.
The cards make the game more exciting.
The recommended number of each card is already set, but you can change if you want.
市民 / Citizen(1~20枚)
Citizen (1-20 cards)
The Citizens are the basic players who execute werewolves. You win when you execute all the werewolves.
人狼 / Werewolf(1~3枚)
Werewolf (1-3 cards)
The werewolves kill the citizens as they pretend to be citizens.
You win when the number of werewolves and citizens becomes the same.
The werewolves know who the other werewolves are.
占い師 / Fortune Teller(0~1枚)
特殊能力をもった市民です。 毎晩、人狼と思われる人の正体を一人だけ確認できます。
Fortune Teller (0-1 card)
The fortune teller is a citizen who has a supernatural power. You can see through the identity of one player who you suspect to be a werewolf every night.
霊媒師 / Shaman(0~2枚)
特殊能力をもった市民です。 毎晩、死んだプレイヤーが人狼かどうかチェックすることができます。
Shaman (0-2 cards)
The Shaman is a citizen who has a supernatural power. You can check if the dead players are werewolves or not.
騎士 / Knight(0~2枚)
特殊能力をもった市民です。 毎晩、人狼から守りたい市民を一人だけ守ることができます。
Knight (0-2 cards)
The Knight is a citizen who has a supernatural power. You can choose one player to protect from the werewolves every night.
恋人 / Lovers(0 または 2枚)
特殊能力をもった市民です。 もう一人の恋人が誰かを把握できます。
Lovers (0 or 2 cards)
The Lovers are a pair of citizens who have a supernatural power. You can know who the other Lover is.
多重人格 / Psycho (0~4枚)
人狼チームに属する市民です。 人狼チームが勝利したときに、勝利します。
Psycho (0-4 cards)
The Psycho is a citizen who belongs to the werewolf team.
You win when the werewolf team wins.
吸血鬼 / Vampire (0~2枚)
市民チームにも人狼チームにも属しません。 ゲーム終了時に生き残っていると、勝利となります。
Vampire (0-2 cards)
The Vampire is aspecial player who belongs to neither the citizen team nor the werewolf team.
When you survive untill the game is over, you win.
You are seen as a "vampire" when the fortune teller checks you in the night.
富豪 / Rich (0~2枚)
特殊能力を持った市民です。ゲーム終了時に生き残っていると、 勝利チームの勝利ポイントが2倍になります。
Rich (0-2 cards)
The Rich is the special citizen.
When you survive untill the game is over, the winners' wining points double.
変身した吸血鬼 / Bat (0~1枚)
Vampire Bat (0-1 cards)
This role is a special player who belongs to neigher the werewolf team nor the citizen team.
When you survive untill the game is over, you win.
Even if werewolf attacked you, you fly and escape.
But if you were foretelled by the fortune teller, you lose your spirit and die.
サイコキラー / Psycho Killer (0~1枚)
Psycho Killer (0-1 cards)
This role is a citizen who belongs to the werewolf team.
You win when the werewolf team wins.
The player who cntacts you in the night is killed by you.
偉大な霊媒師 / Great Shaman (0~1枚)
Great Shaman (0-1 cards)
This role is a citizen who has a supernatural power.
You can check if the dead players are werewolves or not.
You can call the spirit of the dead player, and transform to the dead player's role.
コスプレイヤー / Cosplayer (0~1枚)
Cosplayer (0-1 cards)
The Cosplayer is a citizen who has a supernatural power.
You can choose one player to protect from the werewolves every night.
But you are seen as a "Werewolf" when the fortune teller checks you in the night.
パパラッチ / Paparazzi (0~1枚)
Paparazzi (0-1 cards)
The Paparazzi is a citizen who belongs to the werewolf team.
You win when the werewolf team wins. But the werewolves are unknown to you.
Every night, you can see the identity of one player whom you suspect to be a werewolf or a fortune teller.
マジシャン / Magician (0~1枚)
Magician (0-1 cards)
The Magician is a citizen who has a supernatural power.
You can change your card to the other's.
The other becomes "Citizen" from the next morning.
When you choose a "Werewolf" player, if over two werewolves live, the werewolf player will be killed by the other werewolves as a traitor.
(In this case, the player who are attacked by werewolves doesn't die.)
ボマー / Bomber (0~1枚)
Bomber (0-1 cards)
Bomber is a citizen who has a supernatural power.
You can set the trap to your room at once.
And the player who contacts you in the night when you set the trap is killed by the trap.
(When "No killing in the 1st night" mode is on, the players who contacts Psycho killer don't die in the 1st night.)
メンタリスト / Mentalist (0~1枚)
Mentalist (0-1 cards)
Mentalist is a citizen who belongs to the werewolf team.
You win when the werewolf team wins.
The werewolves don't know who Mentalist is, but Mentalist knows who werewolves are.
闇の霊媒師 / Dark Shaman (0~1枚)
Dark Shaman (0-1 cards)
The Dark Shaman is a citizen who has a supernatural power.
You can check if the dead players are werewolves or not.
If you are killed by the players' voting in the judgement stage, the "Knight" and "Cosplayer" will be killed by your dark soul in the night.
(This power will be shown when you are killed by voting. In other cases, nothing will happen.)
運命の恋人 / Distined Lovers (0 or 2枚)
特殊能力をもった市民プレイヤーです。2人1組で、もう1人の恋人が誰かを把握できます。 ただし、恋人の一方が死亡した場合、もう1人の恋人は人狼に戦いを挑み、翌朝、死亡してしまいます。
Distined Lovers (0 or 2 cards)
This role is a pair of citizens who have supernatural powers.
You can know who the other one is. When one lover dies, the other destined lover will fight against werewolves and die in the next morning.
レインマン / Rain Man (0〜1枚)
特殊能力を持った市民プレイヤーです。 レインマンが生存している間は、毎日、雨が降ります。(朝にGMが天気を発表します) 時々発生する雷雨の朝には、落雷によってランダムに1名が死亡します。(落雷の対象は、レインマン自身も含めて、すべてのプレイヤーです)
Rain Man (0-1 cards)
Rain Man is a citizen who has a supernatural powers. When Rain Man is alive, it rains every day. Sometimes the lightning volt kills a player at random in the morning. The Rain Man is included in lightning targets.
伝説の人狼 / Legendary Wolf (0〜1枚)
Legendary Wolf (0-1 cards)
The werewolves kill the citizens as they pretend to be citizens. The werewolves know who the other werewolves are. You win when the number of werewolves and citizens becomes the same. The player (Fortune Teller, Knight, etc.) who contacts you in the night is killed by you.
神託者 / Oracle (0〜19枚)
Oracle (0-19 cards)
This role is a citizen who has supernatural powers. You can know one of the humans randomly on the first night.
脱獄者 / Prison Breaker (0〜1枚)
PrisonBreaker (0-1 cards)
This role is a human who belongs to the werewolf team. You win when the werewolf team wins. You are counted as a human. Even if werewolves attack you, you don't die because you can escape.
オリジナル / Original (0~2枚)
上級者向けのカスタマイズ可能な役職です。カード自体の機能は、市民と変わりません。ゲームマスターツールを併用することで、オリジナルの役職として使用できます。どのように使うかはあなた次第です。利用例(「名探偵」と「ヒロイン」)を「遊び方 > 詳細ルール」でご紹介しています。
Original (0-2 cards)
Original is advanced rule for experienced game master. This card is same as Citizen, but you can customize this role with "Game Master Tool".
You can make a new role. We introduce the sample role "Detective" and "Heroine" in "Tutorial > FAQ".